NZ-VR Teacher Resources

Explore, download and share our free comprehensive NZ-VR Teacher Resources across our key themes below. 

Click on the topic to download a ZIP folder which includes a powerpoint presentation, learning outcomes and worksheets associated with that topic.

You can also access virtual reality videos that can be viewed on any internet-capable device, including smartphones, iPads, chromebooks, cardboard headsets or computers.

These resources are high impact and action-oriented and intend to engage, educate and empower students. They were developed in 2018 alongside the New Zealand curriculum by a BLAKE Environmental Educator and Cashmere High School science teacher, Leith Cooper.

Marine Ecosystems - Food Web

Compare and contrast marine environments around Aotearoa / New Zealand, and explore how marine food webs can explain kina barrens.


Explore the impact of fisheries in an Aotearoa / New Zealand context, and encourage the appropriate actions to help ensure sustainable fisheries.

Marine Reserves

Enable students to experience and be excited about the marine reserves around Aotearoa / New Zealand. Explore appropriate actions for supporting marine reserves.

Marine Ecosystems – Habitats

Explore different marine habitats around Aotearoa / New Zealand, and educate students on the importance of estuaries.


Compare and contrast pristine marine environments with degraded ones. Educate students on sedimentation and runoff, and explore appropriate actions for reducing and removing pollution.

Mangroves and Mussels

Explain how mussels and mangroves can help protect our oceans and waterways from pollution.

Importance of the Ocean to Maori

Look at different cultural perspectives on dealing with pollution, including how aspects of tikanga Māori can help protect our waterways and ocean.

Take Action to Help our Marine Environment

Explore the appropriate actions students can take to protect our marine environment.