Position: Captain We had a shark attack rescue at Campbell Island a few years ago. We needed to go to Northwest Bay which is unnavigated. We went in dark at mid night and needed to hold station for a helicopter to find its way and land. We fired rockets for the...
Position: 3rd Engineer When I was working with the UK company there was an engine room fire on Christmas day. We were sailing across Pacific towards New Zealand. It was quite an experience because it was the first time, I had experienced a fire on the boat. There was...
Position/Job title: 2nd Marine engineer I’ve lived an adventurous life and have been all around the world while being paid for it. It is difficult to choose just one favourite voyage. Antarctic sampling trips have been interesting, and I’ve also been through the...
Position: Chief engineer I got snotted on by a whale once. I was working on deck on the R.V. Kaharoa under the welding helmet doing some welding. I thought the deck hands were wetting me and looked up to tell them off and saw a whale covering me in snot! One of the...
Position: Able-bodied seaman (AB) The memories I have of fishing are special. We went to Tahiti on the Kaharoa to drop some ARGO floats in the middle of New Zealand’s winter. Considering it was frosts and rain and rubbish back home it was fantastic. IN 2017 I was on...