Watene Campbell
Tēnā tātau, ko Watene Moana Campbell tōku ingoa, 18 tau taku pakeke, ka mutu, he tauira ture hoki i te Whare Wānanga o Wikitōria. Pakeke mai au nō roto mai ō Te Aho Matua, me te mea hoki kātahi anō au ka puta hai raukura i TKKM o Ngā Mokopuna, taku ahuru mōwai mō ngā tau 13 i a au i te kura. Ko te tikanga ia ka whāia e au taku tohu paerua, arā, he LLB he BA hoki i ngā kaupapa matua o te Mātauranga Māori, me te Mātauranga Pūtaiao. Kua waimaria au te whai wāhi mai ki te tira o NIWA i Kirikiriroa, ki konei āta whera i ngā kaupapa maha e hāngai ana ki te pūtaiao mō te roanga o wēnei wiki e rua, i raro i te haumarutanga o te Sir Peter Blake Trust hai māngai mā BLAKE.
Tēnā tātau, my name is Watene Moana Campbell, I’m 18 years old and an up and coming VIC law-student. I’ve recently graduated from TKKM o Ngā Mokopuna where I spent all 13 years of my schooling life. I have aspirations to undergo a conjoint degree comprising of an LLB and a BA double majoring in Māori studies and environmental studies. I am currently fortunate enough to be provided with the opportunity to work hand in hand with NIWA staff in Hamilton, across various sectors of study for the next two weeks, under the umbrella of The Sir Peter Blake Trust as a BLAKE Ambassador.