Rewa Walker
Kia ora!
I tipu ake au ki te Paekakariki, engari kei Te-whanganui-a-Tara taku kainga.
Nō reira, ka mihi ki te maunga Wainui, me te awa uawa.
Ko Rewa Walker taku ingoa.
He Kaiako au mō te taiao o BLAKE.
I am a part-time environmental educator for BLAKE, based in Te-Whanganui-a-Tara, Wellington.
I grew up in the seaside town of Paekakariki on the beautiful Kapiti Coast and developed my love for the ocean through summers spent at the beach as a child. I spent my teenage years volunteering as a surf lifeguard at my local beach and became passionate about growing other peoples love for the outdoors, and sharing my own! This led me to several summers working as a surf lifeguard and beach education instructor, teaching kids and whanau about the beach environment and skills needed to stay safe while enjoying the ocean.
My hope is that through experiencing the outdoors, people are able to grow their own connection with Papatuanuku and become passionate about environmental protection, as I am. The work I do with BLAKE on the NZVR program allows me to continue doing this, and it’s incredible to watch kids fascination with the marine environment grow as they dive beneath the moana.
I am currently studying towards conjoint bachelors of Law and Science, majoring in environmental studies, and minoring in ecology and public policy at Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington, with the hope that I can continue exploring ways to protect the environment through my future work.
I am an avid tramper and spend many of my weekends exploring the nearby Tararua ranges, my goal is to visit every single hut in the Tararuas! In my free time I also play football and volunteer for a charity called Generation Vote, teaching non-partisan civics education to high school students.