Bruce McIntyre

Bruce McIntyre

Position: Able-bodied seaman (AB) I’ve been at NIWA for 12 years, since 2007. Before that I worked at Sealords. We do different work depending the trip.  I love working in these conditions (*covered in sea spray after cleaning the deck*) but I’m looking forward to...
Shane Harvey

Shane Harvey

Position: Leading hand Way back when Glen and I used to be the boat boys we used to run our moorings out the side of the ship in the cutaway, tow them out in the work boat and then come back to the ship. We put a mooring out. Once the mooring was out by 4-5 kilometres...
Prickly Dogfish

Prickly Dogfish

If a shark was crossed with a hedgehog This beauty of a critter is the prickly dogfish.  A small deep-sea shark endemic to the continental shelves of New Zealand and Australia, it lives in the ocean’s Twilight Zone – a permanent dusk 200-1000m below the surface....


Speedy Little Lanternfishes, Hunted by All First off, the tiny stars of the show: myctophids.  These are little open-ocean fishes, about the size of a house key.  They have silvery scales and light organs called photophores dotted along their bodies, and they move in...
Barry ‘Handsome Stranger’ Fleming

Barry ‘Handsome Stranger’ Fleming

Position: Able-bodied seaman (AB) One morning I fell into the water at the wharf in all my gear! The ladder rung snapped and I couldn’t figure out which way was up because it was dark.  While I was down there I saw a piecost and I knew I was going to be alright. I’ve...