Amy Burney

Amy Burney

I’ve spent my last three years studying for my Bachelor of Science at the University of Canterbury in the Physical and Chemical Sciences department during which time I’ve discovered my main interest is in the boundary between physics and chemistry. I have always had a...
Jenny Ann Sweatman

Jenny Ann Sweatman

I’m Jenny Ann and I’m currently a Masters student at Massey University. My research is on the Long-spined sea urchin in north-east New Zealand and Rangitāhua. This urchin has the potential to damage our ecosystem and fisheries. My research will help us understand its...
Georgia Hrstich

Georgia Hrstich

Ever since I was young, I’ve been interested in marine life and the ocean. I remember particularly enjoying spending time gazing into intertidal rockpools and trying to name all the animals I could see. I grew up close to the beach and loved going fishing just out off...
Dame Anne Salmond DBE FRSNZ

Dame Anne Salmond DBE FRSNZ

Curiosity will take you a long way. Dame Anne Salmond knows this all too well, as at the age of 16 she plunged into learning Te Reo Māori, with very little knowledge but a burning curiosity. It was the beginning of a life-long love affair with Maori culture, language...
Professor Mark Orams

Professor Mark Orams

Renowned sportsman-turned-scholar and environmental champion It is perhaps no surprise that Mark Orams epitomises the exact qualities he admired in Sir Peter Blake. The former elite yachtsman spent countless hours with Sir Peter as crew on the winning Steinlager 2...