Jack Beagley: My time in the Dry Valleys of Antarctica as a BLAKE Ambassador
Jack Beagley (25), 2021 BLAKE Antarctic Ambassador writes of his time in the Dry Valleys of Antarctica with some of the world’s leading researchers in tracking climatic changes through melting permafrost, and reflects on the scale of the challenges we face and how we...
Exciting things ahead – BLAKE Strategic Plan update January 2022
Building on the progress and momentum achieved through the successful execution of our strategic goals over the last 3 years, we recently finalised our strategic plan for 2021-2024 which aims to significantly grow our organisation and increase the impact we have. Some...
The Inimitable Legacy of Sir Peter Blake
20 years on, and the legacy of Sir Peter Blake is more critical than ever as we face unprecedented global environmental challenges Many New Zealanders will remember hearing of the death of Sir Peter Blake on the fifth of December 2001. As the shocking news of...
Have you met Holly? A BLAKE Inspire Alumni on her journey as a kaitiaki guided by a Māori worldview
BLAKE Inspire Alumni, environmentalist and innovator, yoga enthusiast, and high school student! We caught up with this incredible rangatahi to hear about her journey since her BLAKE Inspire programme concluded and what her time at Inspire meant for her. She has...
Q&A with our new Chair, André Lovatt
In his day job, André Lovatt leads Auckland Airport’s infrastructure development and delivery team, focusing on the implementation of a 30-year vision to build a world-class airport. He has a background in engineering and over over 20 years’ experience of delivering...
Explore the Hauraki Gulf with NZ-VR
Today is #WorldOceansDay but each day our debt to the ocean grows bigger. With New Zealand Geographic we take you under the water in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland. Once a thriving marine ecosystem, this video highlights its beauty, our special relationship with it, and the...
Improving te mana o te wai māori
Words by Tessa Thomson BLAKE NIWA Ambassador - Freshwater Kia ora koutou! My time as a BLAKE NIWA Ambassador came to an end late January, and I have spent the past couple of months reflecting on the time I spent in Hamilton. It was an incredible two weeks, and I am...
Students and teachers set for science discovery voyage to remote Kermadec Islands
Media Release 18 February 2021 Fifteen young New Zealanders and five school teachers will join a team of world-class scientists and environmental leaders on a scientific voyage of discovery to the Kermadec Islands / Rangitāhua as part of BLAKE’s fifth BLAKE...
Monitoring our precious hoiho and pakake
Words by Wednesday Davis BLAKE DOC Ambassador - Hoiho (Yellow Eye Penguin) and Pakake (NZ Sealion) Kia ora! Ko Wednesday toku ingoa. Nō England ōku tīpuna. I tipu ake au ki Tauranga, e noho ana au kei Tāmaki Makaurau. Kia Ora! My name is Wednesday, and I am one of...
Developing freshwater treatment solutions for farms, marae, and rural communities
Tessa Thomson BLAKE NIWA Ambassador - Freshwater Kia ora koutou! My first week at NIWA Hamilton has been incredible, and I have learnt so much already. My first day began by meeting Dr Rupert Craggs, who I am spending my two weeks here at NIWA working with. Rupert is...
Tracing atmospheric gases
Amy Burney BLAKE NIWA Ambassador - Atmostphere & Climate I spent my last week of my BLAKE NIWA ambassadorship in an entirely different environment than the first two weeks. From a busy populous NIWA site just outside of New Zealand’s capital city to Lauder in...
From the air to the ocean
Amy Burney BLAKE NIWA Ambassador - Atmostphere & Climate From the air to the ocean, my second week started by attending a seminar by Chris Harvat on the next generation of sea ice modelling. This talk was a bit out of my field of understanding, but nonetheless...