Clear skies and clean air

Clear skies and clean air

I’ve spent the first week of my ambassadorship 35 kms from Alexandra in the small Central Otago settlement of Lauder, home to NIWA’s atmospheric research station. The station is purposefully situated in the middle of nowhere as its remoteness provides clear skies and...
Cape Evans

Cape Evans

Exhausted with desperation, in the dimming light of the Antarctic Autumn, the heroic men of the Terra Nova expedition left back at Cape Evans knew with certainty that the South Pole expedition had failed. It would be another 6 months until the first light of day gave...
Camping at Cape Royds

Camping at Cape Royds

At the end of summer when the Adelie penguin chicks are old enough to start going exploring on their own, the parents are free! They swim over Pony Lake which is just beside the hut, and based on the number of feathers and bile in the ice layer, appear to take refuge...
Cape Royds

Cape Royds

After an exhilarating tour of the ice fields of Mt Erebus by Heff the helo pilot, we flew over the lava flows to Cape Royds, our new home for the next three nights. Cape Royds is home to the Shackleton hut from the Nimrod expedition in 1910. It is located north west...
Camping on thin ice

Camping on thin ice

Scott Base is situated on Ross Island which is connected to the mainland by the Ross Ice Shelf. Before venturing out onto the ice shelf and go exploring we had to go through Antarctic Field Training. This is as exciting as it sounds, spending the night out on the snow...
Human Ice Block

Human Ice Block

Has there ever been something that has always held your curiosity, but you never thought you would be able to experience? For me this was something that always captivated me every time I would fly out of Christchurch. From the moment I set eyes on this majestic...