Thursday and Friday I spent out on the hill at the back of Scott Base completing a vegetation survey with Antarctica New Zealand’s Environmental Advisor, Ceisha Poirot. You might be as surprised as I was that anything grows in this inhospitable place, but...
December 1st, 2013 Saturday is still a working day down here in Antarctica so it was business as usual at Scott Base. I began one of my projects down here and to get a better understanding of the base I am shadowing the engineering team for the next week learning...
On Wednesday I had the incredible opportunity of visiting the Antarctic Dry Valleys. It was one of the best days of my life and I don’t think much could top this experience. The Dry Valleys constitutes around 30% of the ice-free land on Antarctica. The air here...
November 29th, 2013 On Thursday I was up at 7am ready for my first day. After breakfast the engineering team always have a daily meeting at 8am in which they discuss health and safety issues and other important news. After this I was shown where I would be working (in...
Monday and Tuesday this week I have been working alongside the Antarctic Heritage Trust to see what they get up to in their work and help them out with some of their projects. The Antarctic Heritage Trust (AHT) is a New Zealand based registered charity, which has...