Over the last week, we have been continuing our work at field sites around the Otago Peninsula conducting health assessments on yellow-eyed penguin chicks as well as having the opportunity to PIT tag any chicks that fit the criteria. This is vital to monitor the...
After a full-on week of travel and work at the Catlins, Sam and I were both looking forward to our upcoming rest day and a sleep in… however there’s no way you can sleep in when you’re staying somewhere like the Otago Peninsula! Otago Peninsula not only packs in great...
With weather reports of thunderstorms, 60kph winds, and a plane flight already cancelled in favour of a helicopter flight the next day… Dannie and I weren’t certain that we’d get to Codfish on our planned day. However – we received no call, so we packed up all of our...
This week we’ve been lucky enough to be situated at Penguin Place, on the Otago Peninsula. Penguin Place is a private conservation reserve dedicated to helping yellow-eyed penguins survive – successfully started up and run by the McGrouther family since its...
So we have arrived at our first port of call – The Catlins! Or more specifically… Nugget Point. Nugget Point is considered one of the ‘most iconic landforms on the Otago coast’ and I couldn’t agree more. The scenery is breathtaking and the wildlife incredible. Since...