Bringing Environmental Education to Life: How BLAKE is transforming classrooms
September 23, 2024

The NZ-VR programme is revolutionizing environmental education in Aotearoa by bringing the wonders of its natural world directly into classrooms. This innovative programme allows students to explore remote and ecologically significant locations, fostering a deep connection with the environment and a strong sense of responsibility as kaitiaki (guardians) o te taiao (the natural world).

Immersive Learning with NZ-VR

At the heart of NZ-VR is the belief that by making the environment accessible and engaging, we can inspire the next generation to become passionate advocates for its protection. The programme uses innovative virtual reality technology to transport students to places they might never visit in person—like the vibrant marine ecosystems of Tawhitinui Poor Knights Islands or the unique landscapes of Maugahuka in the Sub-Antarctic Islands. These immersive experiences plant a seed in young minds, encouraging them to think critically about the environment and their role in its preservation.

The impact of NZ-VR goes beyond mere exposure; it cultivates empathy and a deep understanding of the delicate balance within ecosystems. Students don VR headsets and are immediately immersed in breathtaking scenes that highlight the beauty and vulnerability of New Zealand’s environment. As they virtually swim with fish in Te Hāwera-a-Maki Goat Island Marine Reserve or explore kina barrens within the Hauraki Gulf, they are guided by narratives that emphasize the importance of conservation and the role they can play as environmental stewards.

Training the Next Generation of Environmental Educators

While NZ-VR brings environmental education directly into classrooms, the BLAKE Inspire for Teachers programme ensures that educators are fully equipped to lead and inspire their students in this critical area. This professional development programme provides teachers with the tools, knowledge, and confidence to deliver impactful environmental education across New Zealand.

BLAKE Inspire for Teachers is designed to empower educators by deepening their understanding of environmental issues and equipping them with practical skills to integrate these topics into their teaching. The programme includes workshops, field trips, and collaborative sessions that focus on key environmental challenges, such as climate change, biodiversity, and sustainability.

Teachers are encouraged to develop their own action plans, which they can implement in their schools and communities, thus extending the reach and impact of the programme. These educators become ambassadors for the environment, bringing their newfound knowledge and enthusiasm into schools across Aotearoa. They play a critical role in shaping a generation of young people who are not only aware of environmental issues but also empowered to take action to protect it.

Sowing the Seeds of Stewardship

NZ-VR and BLAKE Inspire for Teachers are two sides of the same coin, working together to cultivate a sense of environmental stewardship in New Zealand’s youth. By combining the immersive power of virtual reality with the hands-on experience and guidance of trained educators, BLAKE is planting the seeds of change in classrooms across the country.

These programmes reflect BLAKE’s commitment to nurturing the next generation of environmental leaders. As students and teachers alike engage with the stunning beauty and pressing challenges of New Zealand’s environment, they are inspired to become the kaitiaki who will protect it for generations to come. This is more than just education—it’s a movement to empower young people to care for the world around them and to lead the way in building a sustainable future.

This article is part of a series exploring the BLAKE’s 2024 Impact Report. Stay tuned as we continue to delve into the themes of environment, leadership, and sustainability that define BLAKE’s work.