BLAKE Explorers: A Journey of discovery in Wellington
July 22, 2024

BLAKE Explorers has been successfully piloted in Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington, offering an unforgettable three-day immersive experience for intermediate-aged students. As a reminder, we invite a school that has experienced NZ-VR to select 20 students and 2 teachers to participate in BLAKE Explorers, with the aim of providing a unique and enriching experience in Aotearoa’s natural environment. At the core of BLAKE Explorers is our aim to ‘enhance hauora through connection to te taiao’. Hauora is a Māori philosophy of health which encompasses the total health and wellbeing of an individual. We want to enhance the wellbeing of the students through connecting them to the natural environment.

The programme has been running in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland for the past three years and we wanted to pilot this programme in other parts of the country so we could spread the success we’ve been having. In Te Whanganui-a-Tara, the activities included snorkelling with ‘Mountains to Sea Wellington’ providing students with an up-close look at marine life, while sailing with ‘Worser Bay Boating Club’ and surfing with ‘Wellington Surf Lessons’ tested their skills and built their confidence. Visits to ‘Island Bay Aquarium’ and ‘Space Place Planetarium’ broadened their horizons, and an ecology trail at ‘Zealandia’ introduced them to native wildlife and conservation efforts.

My favourite part of the Explorers programme was getting to know so many inspiring young students and seeing them give these new activities their all. Some of which, I think, have developed a whole new connection to the moana (ocean) and te taiao (the environment)’ – Alice McCullough, BLAKE Programme Manager in Te Whanganui-a-Tara

One of the major challenges was Wellington’s famously unpredictable weather, which can bring four seasons in one day. Our partners’ flexibility ensured that all activities went ahead as planned and the student’s positive attitude and determination made sure the activities were a success. For instance, when Lyall Bay’s conditions were unsuitable for surfing due to a lack of waves, we relocated to the Kapiti Coast … and we adapted our sailing plans at Worser Bay to include boat races with sails down.


Teachers and students expressed their gratitude and admiration for the programme. Pukeatua Primary School highlighted the commitment to fostering a deep connection between children and the natural world, emphasising the development of critical thinking, teamwork, and environmental stewardship. Naenae Intermediate echoed these sentiments, appreciating every minute of the programme and the opportunities it provided.

BLAKE Explorers stands out for its commitment to fostering a deep connection between children and the natural world. By integrating hands-on activities, interactive lessons, and exploration, they create an environment where learning becomes an adventure. Children are not only educated about the environment but also develop critical thinking skills, teamwork, and a sense of stewardship for the planet, kaitiaki of our environment.’ – Pukeatua Primary School

NIS were very lucky to participate and have this wonderful opportunity for our students. Every minute within our time with activities was utilised… Thank you so much to the BLAKE Explorers.’ – Naenae Intermediate.

The success of the Te Whanganui-a-Tara pilot marks an exciting chapter for BLAKE Explorers. By exposing students to these new and challenging activities and engaging students in hands-on environmental education, the programme helps cultivate the next generation of kaitiaki (guardians) for Aotearoa New Zealand’s natural taonga.